Monday, August 13, 2007

Gaysian Weekend, Part 2

Yesterday, Domestic Partner and I went to see the film "Cut Sleeve Boys."

Check it out at

I am not a film critic, but I enjoyed this one, and I would see it again. I enjoyed the camp humor and outrageous-queen caricatures.

It was strange to see Asian faces and hear them speak British English, though. Does that expose my ethnocentrism? The only British Asian actor or actress that I can bring to mind right now is the lovely young woman who plays "Cho" in the Harry Potter films. I doubt that equivalent ethnic phrases are used in the U.K. such as "Asian English", instead of Asian American, or "EBC", English Born Chinese, instead of ABC. But I wonder . . .

Chowee Leow was fantastic as the effeminate fashion plate and emerging drag queen, 'Ashley Wang.' Steven Lim was not quite evenly matched to Leow in his acting skills as 'Melvyn Shu.' But if you're like me, and you have a sweet tooth for eye candy, you won't care much about his line delivery when his shirt is off.

David Tse portrayed the minor role that will be unforgettable in my mind, that of the closeted pastor who eventually comes out at the end of the film. Maybe it's because of my Christian upbringing and past involvement in ex-gay ministry, but I had wanted to see more of this character's story on screen.
In the final scene the former pastor is seen on the street in flamboyant, trendy clothes and sporting an elaborate hairstyle. He is emancipated. Without going into much detail about the story line, one interpretation of this could be that, as the beneficiary of a secret lover's will, the former pastor could finally afford to leave the church and live as an openly gay man.

And that confirms a frightening theory in my mind: Many people stay involved with church as a way to hide, whether they are still in the closet or they are avoiding something else that they fear. Money isn't necessary to live courageously, or honestly, authentically. But when you're in trouble or in need, perhaps it's typical to turn to a religious life, to look for spiritual help. Who needs church or religion when you have enough money and you're not in need?

In this film, however, maybe money is just a symbol for resources that can help us to live more courageously and more honestly.

I don't claim to have always lived as courageously and as honestly as I would like to, but I am damn lucky in that I've had a lifetime of riches in non-monetary resources.

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