The following is based on actual conversations.
Peter: Do you want to get married?
Kathy: No, not right now.
P: No, I don't mean right now, I mean eventually. Ever. Do you ever want to get married?
K: To you?
P: Yeah, why not?
K: (giggly, sheepish) Well . . . What about your physical attraction to men?
P: I'm thinking that if I can give up men, then you'd be doing almost the same thing if you married me.
K: What about sex?
P: Well, if you talk to married couples , those who have been together a long time, sex always seems to become nonexistent anyway. So I'm thinking, why don't we get married and just skip to that part?
K: (laughing) I am not giving up sex! I'm only 23, and I haven't had that much sex yet, to begin with.
P: So, we wait until we're older, when sex becomes less of a priority, and we get married so that we can always be together.
K: I'm not saying that I live for sex. I just think that marriage makes sex important, makes it substantial. Do you know what I'm trying to say?
P: Yeah, I think I do. Most people have it the other way around, thinking that sex makes marriage important. I would never confuse it that way with you.
K: Could you . . . Could you feel for a woman? Get everything in proper working order for what's considered . . . regular marital relations?
P: I definitely want to have kids, so I've thought about it a lot. Yeah, I think I could.
K: Why don't we consummate our love right now? Come on!
P: (laughing, nervous) Because I'm not ready yet!
K: Kiss me.
Peter looks at her
K: Kiss me. You don't have to do me. Just kiss me.